We are studing the English superlatives, here you can read some -est of the world
The longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary is "floccipaucinihilipilification", with 29 letters, meaning "the action of estimating as worthless".
The fastest big cat is the cheetah, which can run at 100 km/h.
The commonest surname in the world is Chang. There are at least 104 million in the world.
The slowest land mammal is the three-toed sloth, whose average speed is only 6-8 feet (1.83-2.44 metres) a minute.
The richest cat in the world was Charlie Chan, who received $250,000 when its owner died.
The most venomous animal in the world is the golden dart-poison frog, which has enough poison to kill 2,200 people.
The wettest place in the world is Tutunendo, Colombia, where the average annual rainfall is 463.4 inches (11770 mm).
The highest mountain in the world is Mt Everest, which measure 29,028 ft. (8848 metres).
The nearest planet to Earth is Venus, which is 25,700,000 miles (41,360,000 km) away.
The newest island in the world is Fukuto Kuokanaba, which appeared after a volcanic eruption in 1986.
The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird, which measure 2.24 inches (5.68 cm) in total length and weighs 0.056 ounces (1.58 grams).
The most valuable tooth belonged to Sir Isaac Newton and was sold in 1816 for £730.
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4 comentarios:
the loudest animal is the lion, you can hear a lion roar eight KM away.
dejo yo uno también.
The cheetahs are the fastest big cat. It can run 100Km/h.
The Lynex is a rarest big cat.
This is very dande je je
The smallest animal is the gobio
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