Pandi Kidnappers

Yesterday I found this movie, do you know where are they? What's the woman's name?

10 comentarios:

Alex dijo...

They are in New yor

Emilio dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Emilio dijo...

Are in Las Vegas.
The woman´s name is Isabel.

Maria dijo...

The Woman's name is Isabel

Anónimo dijo...

they are in australia and they woman´s name is isabel igor

Rubio dijo...

1 In Autrslia
2 Elisa

Miriam dijo...

All your answers are wrong, you can change them until next tuesday. Plese, write the woman's name, the country and the city in English

Emilio dijo...

They are in Usa in Las Vegas
Are there woman´s name is Elishabet.

Emilio dijo...

They are in (United Kingdom) London

Miriam dijo...

Emilio is right, your team win a star.